University Library A to Z Index
- Access to licensed electronic resources
- Accessibility for users with special needs
- Acquisition request
- Address
- AI tools for scientific literature research
- Alarm in the library
- Annual Reports of Dortmund University Library (in German)
- Ask a librarian
- Bibliometrics
- Biographic archive of professors at Dortmund University
- Blog: New library building
- Book loss
- Book Order for Chairs and Central (Scientific) Institutions
- Book orders via the catalog plus
- Book suggestion form
- Booking system for group work rooms
- Borrowing
- Business Hours
- Call numbers
- Campus map
- Campus-Süd-Bibliothek
- Car park escort service
- Catalog plus
- Catalog plus - The Bib explains (in German, with optional subtitles in English)
- Catalog Sehkon for the visually impaired
- Chat
- Children's and Youth Books, historical
- Citation guide
- Citavi
- Complaint management
- Contact / Feedback
- Conversion service for the blind and visually impaired
- Copies
- Course catalog of the TU Dortmund
- Current Course catalog
- until 2011
- since 2012
- Courses (Moodle)
- CO2 meter
- Current meter
- Databases
- Databases, access to
- Databases, recent additions to
- Data exchange: Sciebo - cloud service of the TU Dortmund
(Handout for using Sciebo) - Delivery of deposit copies of TU Dortmund (in German)
- Deposit copies of TU Dortmund (in German)
- DGEG Railroad History Library
- DigiBib Digital Library Dortmund
- DIN standards
- Directions
- Disabled students: study rooms
- Disclaimer
- Document delivery
- Document delivery services
- Document repository Eldorado
- Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts: Library
- E-book usage: legal provisions
- E-books: access off campus
- E-books offered by Dortmund University Library
- E-books: FAQ
- E-books: Licensing temporary access
- Eduroam
- Eldorado document repository
- Electronic journals
- Electronic journals, access
- Electronic Journals Library - The Bib explains (in German, with optional subtitles in English)
- Electronic journals, recent additions to
- Electronic resources, access
- Emergency rules
- Emil-Figge-Bibliothek
- Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - route planner
- eTheses (electronically published Theses)
- Evacuation of the Library
- Fake news
- Fees and fines
- Fees and fines, rules
- Festschrift Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund 1965 - 2015 (in German)
- File exchange service: Sciebo - cloud service of the TU Dortmund
(Handout for using Sciebo) - Fire alarm
- First aid
- Floor plan
- FOME Library (Library of the former Research Center East Central Europe)
- Forms
- FOS Library (School Research Center)
- Funds for quality improvement of Dortmund University Library (in German)
- Head office
- House rules: Hausordnung der Technischen Universität Dortmund (in German)
- Historical Children's and Youth Books
- How to succeed in research - from subject to (full) text (a self-study Moodle course - in German)
- HyLeC (Hybrid Learning Center)
- HyLeC workshops
- Impressum
- Information Center for Technology and Patents (ITP)
- Information skills training
- Information skills training for student assistants
- Interlibrary loan
- Interlibrary loan fees
- Interlibrary loan: questions and answers
- Internal delivery service
- Introductions to the library
- Introductions to subject databases
- ISBN allocation
- ISSN, where to find - The Bib explains (in German, with optional subtitles in English)
- ITMC Service Desk
- Job training (in German)
- Journal articles via interlibrary document delivery
- Journals
- Journals - Subscribe to new articles
- Julia Breithaupt Archive
- LaTeX
- Learning spaces in the library
- Library assistant (Fachangestellte/r für Medien und Informationsdienste, Fachrichtung Bibliothek)
- Library card
- Library card: TU app download (for all users)
- Library director
- Library locations
- Library notifications
- Library of the Media Authority NRW
- Library of the former Research Center East Central Europe (FOME)
- Library regulations (in German)
- Library tours
- Licensed electronic resources, access
- Loan
- Loan periods
- Loan, renewal
- Locations
- Locker regulations (in German)
- Lockers for study material
- Loss of borrowed items
- Lost property
- Mail: Return of books
- Map of the site
- Media Authority NRW (Library)
- Microforms, digitization
- Moodle (courses)
- New additions
- New library building
- Newspapers
- New Women's Movement Archive (Women's Archive Dortmund)
- Notebook, wireless internet use
- Notification by email or post
- Open access
- Open access, application for reimbursement: form
- Opening hours
- Orientation and information system
- Overdue fines
- Parent-child room
- Patents
- Periodicals
- Printouts
- Privacy Policy
- Publication Guideline
- Publication support
- Publication tips
- Publications by or about the University Library of Dortmund
- Publications of library staff
- Publishing on the document repository Eldorado
- Railroad History Library (DGEG)
- Rara Collection
- Reference management software Citavi
- Reference services
- Reference works
- Registration
- Renewal of loans
- Repository of TU Dortmund Publications Eldorado
- Research Center East Central Europe (FOME), library
- Research Publications TU Dortmund University
- Reservations shelf
- Reserve book collection
- Return
- Return books by mail
- Rooms for group work
- Rooms for group work: booking system
- Route planner - Emil-Figge-Bibliothek
- Route planner - Sebrath-Bibliothek (in German, with optional subtitles in English)
- Rules for locker use
- Scanner: zeta Comfort manual (in German)
- Scanning
- School Resarch Center Library (FOS)
- Sciebo - cloud service of the TU Dortmund
(Handout for using Sciebo) - SciVal
- Sebrath-Bibliothek
- Sebrath-Bibliothek - route planner (in German, with optional subtitles in English)
- Sehkon Catalog for the visually impaired
- Serials database ZDB
- Service center
- Service Desk (ITMC)
- Service for the blind and visually impaired (SfBS)
- Shelf marks
- Smartboard (User guide - in german)
- Special collections of Dortmund University Library
- Stadt- und Landesbibliothek Dortmund
- Standards
- Storage magazine
- Study rooms for disabled students
- Subject databases
- Subject librarians
- Subject guides
- Subject-specific help
- Subscribe to new articles
- Textbook collection
- Thermometer
- Thesis, how to deposit
- Tours of the library
- Training classroom: ITMC-Multimediaraum U.331, Emil-Figge-Str. 50
- TU Dortmund campus study areas
- TU app download: your library card in the TU-App (for all users)
- University Archive
- University bibliography
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund: Library
- Using the library from home
- Using the library from home - The Bib explains (in German, with optional subtitles in English)
- Videochat
- Videos of the Dortmund University Library
- VPN: 'No access to full text despite active VPN'
- What do you do before a search? - The Bib explains (in German, with optional subtitles in English)
- WLAN Wireless internet access
- Women's archive
- Workshops HyLeC (Hybrid Learning Center)
- ZDB Serials database
- zeta Comfort: scanning manual (in German)