FOME Library

Library of the former Research Center East Central Europe (FOME)
In 1951, the folklorist and historian Prof. Dr. Alfons Perlick founded the East German Folklore Archive at the Dortmund Pedagogical Academy, which was run as the East German Research Center in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia from 1952 to 1973 and as the Research Center East Central Europe at the Ruhr University of Education from 1973 to 1980. After the merger of the University of Dortmund with the Ruhr University of Education (1980), the institution continued as the Research Center for East Central Europe at the University of Dortmund (FOME), but was dissolved in 2004.
The book and journal holdings as well as the archives of the former FOME are located in the Dortmund University Library.
The thematic focus of the FOME collection (monographs and journals) is on history, politics, society, art and culture, folklore, local and regional studies as well as literary studies of the entire Eastern European cultural area.
Use of Library Collection
The collection is complete and contains about 28,000 monographs. The library holdings of the FOME collection can be borrowed and has its own system.
The approximately 400 journal titles of the FOME (shelf mark: FOME Z) are located in the journal collection and cannot be borrowed, but can be viewed or reproduced on site.
Use of FOME Archive
The archive holdings on the history of the FOME are stored separately in the University Archive Dortmund, have not yet been indexed and are therefore not available for information or inspection until further notice.