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FOME (Research Center East Central Europe)

Main groups (further subdivision of each main group by subgroups)

A Reference works: catalogs, encyclopedias, gazetteers, etc.

Bi Bibliographies

C Europe

D Germany
DA Prussia
DB Federal Republic of Germany
DC Central Germany (SBZ, DDR)
DCa Saxony (province) and Anhalt
DCb Mecklenburg (also Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
DCc Brandenburg
DCd Berlin
DCe Thuringia
DCf Saxony (state)
DD East Germany
DDa Pomerania
DDb East and West Prussia, Gdansk
DDc Posen, Grenzmark Posen-Westpreußen, Ostmark
DDd Silesia

E East Central and Eastern Europe
EA Baltic States
EB Poland
EC Russia, Soviet Union (note: separate subgroups)
ED Bohemia, Moravia, Austrian Silesia, CSSR

F Southeastern Europe
FA Austria
FB Hungary (Danube Swabians)
FC Yugoslavia
FD Romania (Transylvania)
FE Albania
FF Bulgaria
FG Turkey

G Asia
GJ Israel, Judaism

Kb Children's and Youth Literature (Special Collection)

Subgroups (for the classification of each main group except EC)

1.0 Geography
1.1 Geography, general
1.2 Geography
1.3 Travel guides, travelogues
1.4 Statistics, general
1.5 Cartography, land survey, surveying

2.0 Demography
2.1 Demography (tribes, nationalities)
2.2 Settlements

3.0 Folklore
3.1 Folklore, general
3.2 Language, dialects, folk poetry, sagas
3.3 Naming
3.4 Folk beliefs
3.5 Customs, traditions, dance

4.0 History and Politics
4.1 Ancillary Historical Sciences, Sources
4.2 General and Political History
4.3 Prehistory and Early History, Archaeology
4.4 Epochs (Historical Events)
4.5 Politics, General (also Parties)

5.0 Economic and social sciences
5.1 General histories
5.2 Agriculture, agricultural history
5.3 Industry, trade, mining
5.4 Commerce, transportation
5.5 Health care, sports
5.6 Social history (estates, guilds, associations, etc.)

6.0 Law and constitution
6.1 Administration, ordinances, military affairs

7.0 Education and Culture
7.1 Religion
7.2 Cultural History, Intellectual History
7.3 Language and Literature
7.4 School
7.5 Higher Education, Science
7.6 Architecture, Fine Arts
7.7 Music, Theater
7.8 Museums, Archives, Libraries
7.9 Books, Publishing, Press

8.0 Biographies, genealogy

Subgroups Russia (for the subdivision of the main group EC)

1.0 Regional studies
1.1 Geography, general
1.2 Geography
1 - 100 Russia, general
101 - 200 Siberia
201 - 300 Ukraine
301 - 400 Asian regions
1.3 Guidebooks
1.4 Statistics, general
1.5 Cartography, land survey

2.0 Demography
1 - 50 Demography, general
51 - Germans in Russia and the Soviet Union

3.0 Ethnology

4.0 History of Russia
1 - 100 History of Russia in general
101 - 200 History of Soviet Union in general
4.1 Ancillary historical sciences, sources
4.2 General and political history, foreign policy
4.3 Prehistory and early history, archaeology
1 - 100 Early history and Kievan Empire, Moscow state
101 - 150 Petersburg Empire
151 - 200 Peter the Great
201 - 250 Catherine II
251 - 300 Russia in the 19th century
301 - 400 German-Russian relations up to World War I
401 - 500 World War I
401 - 500 World War I and Revolution
501 - 550 Lenin
551 - 600 Trotsky
601 - 650 Stalin
651 - 700 German-Soviet Relations until World War II
701 - 750 Russia and Europe
751 - 900 World War II
901 - 950 Soviet Union after World War II
951 - 1000 After Khrushchev's Fall
1001 - 1100 German-Soviet Relations after World War II
1 - 50 Political Parties except CPSU
51 - 100 CPSU
101 - 150 Trade Unions
4.6 Opposition in the Soviet Union