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Gender equality and gender research at TU Dortmund University
Portals, Networks and Institutions (nationwide)
Journals (scientific) - a selection
  • Journal "Frauenfragen"
    (Available via interlibrary loan) The journal "Frauenfragen" is published once a year. It is published by the Swiss Federal Commission for Women's Issues (EKF) and contains texts in German, French and Italian. Each annual issue is devoted to a current women's policy issue, combining scholarly essays, interviews with experts, and portraits of people who dedicate their lives and work to the overarching theme of feminism.
  • Femina Politica (in the collection of the TU Dortmund University) Journal for feminist political science. Articles from issue 2/2004 (vol. 13). Texts from the last three volumes cost 3€ each, older texts are available in open access.
  • Feminist Review (held by TU Dortmund, but not the last 4 years.) Feminist Review is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal setting new agendas for feminism.
  • Gender. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft (in the holdings of TU Dortmund University) Gender. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft offers women's and gender studies as well as gender studies an interdisciplinary forum for scientific debates, but also for communication between science and practice. Published by the Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW .
Feminism (popular culture media)
  • Emma (available in the holdings of TU Dortmund University until 2015)
    Emma is probably the best-known feminist magazine in Germany. Founded in 1977 by the journalist Alice Schwarzer, it is still published by her every two months. The "political magazine for people" is devoted to a broad range of topics, with the focus still on gender equality policy, the construction of femininity in the media, and the distribution of roles in private life. In addition, Emma is the initiator of various campaigns and projects, for example against pornography and prostitution. In the digital Emma reading room, all issues of the magazine since 1977 can be read. In addition, Emma makes selected texts from the current issue available on its homepage.
  • FEMbooks online store for feminist, lesbian_queer, emancipatory books and media.
  • Feminismus im Pott (Blog)
    "Feminismus im Pott" is the association of a group of net activists* from the Ruhr area who blog about the "feminisms of the region". An emancipatory place for current discussions, networking and pop culture. Participation is encouraged!
  • Feminism 101
    The project sees itself as a continuously growing reference and translation work of basic feminist terms such as slut shaming, rape culture or simply sexism. In the "Stoffsammlung" (collection of material) you can find additional reading material sorted by topics. Also an overview of feminist journals, magazines, zines and netfeminist blogs is given.
  • Mädchenmannschaft
    Blog "For feminists and those who want to become one." Includes literature tips, among other things.
  • Missy Magazine (partially available online)
    Self-published quarterly, Missy Magazine combines coverage of pop culture, politics, and style with a feminist stance. Portraits of outstanding female artists or activists, reports on women's political issues, but also lifestyle tips as well as fashion highlights for every woman are the focus.