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Scanning (Copies and Printouts)

In the library you can scan documents, articles or book chapters for free.

Chargeable printouts and copies on the TU Dortmund campus:

Students at the Scanner © Jürgen Huhn​/​TU Dortmund

The public copiers have been replaced by public feed scanners that allow you to scan to a USB stick free of charge. Scan Instructions (in German)

Easy to handle overhead scanners are available for free during opening hours. The overhead scanners offer

  • scanning hardbacks ergonomically and with limited risk of material damage, in colour or black & white
  • scanning is possible up to 480 x 360 mm (ca. DIN A3), in the Campus-Süd-Bibliothek up to 620x460mm (400 dpi resolution)
  • scans can be saved on USB stick
  • easy to handle touch panel
  • additional pedal for scanning extensive material
  • additional ocr

Manual (in German)

Short manual: scanning via upload/email (in German)



A white keyboard with four green keys. On the green keys are symbols like a telephone, a cell phone, an envelope and an „@“ © marog-pixcells​/​
