Lost Property
Lost property from the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek is handed in and stored directly at the porter's office in the foyer of Emil-Figge-Straße 50 (central lost and found office of the TU Dortmund University).
Other library locations
Please ask the library staff for lost property from the Sebrath-Bibliothek and the Campus-Süd-Bibliothek. After some time, valuable lost property will be handed over to the central lost and found office of TU Dortmund University:
- electronic devices and cell phones
- purses and glasses
- ID cards of all kinds
- Certificates, salary slips and similar documents


- Service Center, Tel.: 0231/755-4000
- Library Locations
- Central Lost and Found of TU Dortmund
- Info-Point in the foyer of the Mensa building