Julia Breithaupt Archive

The collection comprises the scientific estate of the art historian and educator Julia Breithaupt, head of the "Education and Communication" department at the K20/K21 - Kunstsammlung NRW (Düsseldorf) until her retirement in 2008. Breithaupt is considered an important initiator of museum education in the German-speaking world; her didactic methods in the field of museum education are still considered trend-setting today.
The collection was donated to TU Dortmund University (Chair of Art Education) in 2008 and has been housed in Dortmund University Library since 2020.
The engagement with the Museum K20/21 - Kunstsammlung NRW in Düsseldorf is a central field of work at the Department of Art and Art Science. Cooperation between K20/21 and TU Dortmund University also takes place in the interdisciplinary master's program Cultural Analysis and Cultural Mediation.
The collection includes a scientific reference library, AV media, didactica, and archival materials.
Use of Library Collection
The collection is complete and includes about 400 monographs. The library collection (shelf mark: JY 1) is available for loan.
Use of Archive, AV Media and Didactica
The archive holdings are not indexed, but are available for inspection by arrangement with the University Archive. For inquiries or to make an appointment regarding the Julia Breithaupt Archive, please use the e-mail address archivtu-dortmundde.