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ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an identifier for researchers to be uniquely identified and connected to their contributions. You can register yourself for an ORCID iD.

Your Benefits

With little effort increased visibility and more networking for your research!

  • a unique correlation to your publications even if your name has different versions or you have changed it
  • automatically generated overview of publications due to synchronisation between international databases (Web of Science, Scopus)
  • making it easier to submit your publication: give your ORCID iD to the publishing company that gets access to necessary information if it is a trusted party
  • your ORCID iD and ORCID record last a lifetime, regardless of employers and research fields
  • latest publications lists: allow trusted parties like Dortmund University Library, CrossRef or DataCite automatic updates
  • a simplified and more complete presentation of your scientific output for applications, interim or final reports to research funders.
  • use the ORCID iD in scientific communication instead of giving details about your scientific career
  • use the ORCID iD for conference registration

Your Rights

  • you will control the privacy settings of your ORCID record data, only your name and your ORCID iD are always visible to the public
  • you define the rights granted to trusted partiesr
  • rights granted can be controlled or revoked at any time in your ORCID record (under "account settings")
  • "Die datenschutzrechtliche Begutachtung von ORCID hat keine gravierenden Mängel feststellen kön­nen. Im Gegenteil, das System un­ter­stützt mit seinen Privacy-Funk­ti­o­na­li­tä­ten die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer bei der Ausübung ihres Rechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung und hat diesbezüglich stellenweise durchaus Vorbildcharakter. Durch die Konzipierung als Nutzerkontrolliertes Identitätsmanagementsystem kön­nen die Nutzer des Portals jederzeit einsehen und kontrollieren, wel­che Daten wie auf der Platt­form verarbeitet wer­den und wer, wann auf die Daten Zugriff hat." [...], expertise page 49
  • ORCID aus datenschutzrechtlicher Sicht (complete expertise, in German)

Start with ORCID

Not sure if you already have an ORCID iD? Search ORCID for your name.

  • enter your name in every version, if necessary also your birth name
  • please enter "TU Dortmund" into the field "employment" in the offical format: Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
  • grant Dortmund University Library, CrossRef and DataCite permissions as "trusted parties". In case your publications are listed in Web of Science and Scopus, we recommend this status also for these databases. Allow data exchange for the trusted parties.
  • upload your publications (works) to your ORCID record, e. g. via Search & Link button
  • add other identifiers like your researcher ID or Scopus ID
  • the more information you provide, the more informative is your ORCID record
  • ... when contacting publishers
  • ... at funding
  • ... at conferences
  • ... in your presentation

Register in 3 steps

Go to ORCID registration

  1. log in with your UniAccount
  2. grant Dortmund University Library the three rights mentioned above
  3. register at ORCID. If you already have an ORCID iD, please log in with your UniAccount, followed by your ORCID iD. This makes TU Dortmund a trusted party.


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