Publishing Open Access at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
All fully peer-reviewed articles newly published in ACM magazines, conference proceedings or journals are eligible. A listing can be found here ACM Publications Eligible for Open Access Publishing Under ACM OPEN.
- A TU Dortmund member must be the corresponding author of the publication and indicate affiliation with TU Dortmund. When submitting a publication, the e-mail address must be used.
- After your article or conference report has been accepted, you will receive an e-mail from ACM Rights Review mentioning the agreement between TU Dortmund University and ACM. When subsequently filling out the eRights form from ACM, please select "permission release”.
- Please Make sure to select a Creative Commons license, as only publications under a Creative Commons license meet the Open Access requirements. Attention: If you do not explicitly select a Creative Commons license in this step or do not fill in the field at all, the article is not eligible for funding.
Select a Creative Commons license for an open access publication ("permission release"); the library recommends the standard CC license CC-BY.
Article Processing Charges (APCs) for open access publications are generally covered by the ACM-OPEN agreement and are free of charge to you. Please note that charges for additional options (color in print, posters, etc.) are not covered by this agreement.
As usual, there will continue to be unlimited and unrestricted access to the content (open access and paid) of the ACM Digital Library from the university network. The only exception is - as before - the ACM Book Series.
You can publish your article with ACM even if you do not want to take advantage of ACM OPEN. This agreement does not restrict you or dictate where or how you want to publish. ACM OPEN simply gives you the option of free open access publication with ACM. Therefore, you can also choose not to publish your work Open Access.
Questions / Advice on Open Access

- General questions: Section Information Skills and Publication Support or Open Access representative Dr. Kathrin Höhner
- Specific questions about ACM: ACM OPEN - Frequently Asked Questions.