Sign up for the available Places: LaTeX, Citavi, Successful Research

The summer semester has started and we still have a few seats available in our courses. We offer online courses via Zoom as well as in-person classes:
- Literature Research – Basic Training
How to succceed in research - from suject to (full) text
Find the best ways to efficient search strategies!
- Reference Management Software Citavi
Citavi introduction with focus on literature management and knowledge organization
Citavi is suitable for all steps of scientific work from research to literature management and content preparation.
- LaTeX introduction course
With LaTeX all students from the 1st semester on can write professional looking scientific texts.
LaTeX supports the citation and creation of bibliography or formulary.
Check our homepage to sign up and to see all courses offered by the Library, including all subject-related training courses: Tours and Training
We look forward to seeing you!
Contact us: Section Information Skills and Publication Support