Legal provisions for the use of e-media
Licensed e-media are subject to copyright and licensing regulations, which include the following binding provisions for all users:
- The e-media may only be used for personal use and in the context of research and teaching. Commercial use is excluded.
- As a rule, e-media may not be passed on to third parties in printed or electronic form.
- Systematic downloading of full texts and search results is not permitted. For text and data mining purposes, the publishers have their own offers, which can be requested from the library.
- Further binding copyright provisions of the publishers are stated on the respective websites, e.g. under AGB (General Terms and Conditions) or T & C (Terms and Conditions).
In the event of non-compliance, the publishers usually respond promptly and request the library to restore use in accordance with the contract. In order to avoid further sanctions, the library must follow up on the request.

Contact us:
- Salvina Noto
- Email: elmdat.ubtu-dortmundde