RDMO Association founded
The Research Data Management Organizer (RDMO) provides all researchers at the University Alliance Ruhr with a suitable tool for collaboratively creating data management plans. This means that the necessary steps, such as joint work on data sets, archiving or the subsequent use of data, can be taken into account before a project begins. RDMO makes it possible to update data management plans over the entire duration of the project. The software was developed as part of a DFG project and has already been implemented by numerous institutions in Germany.
An association has now been founded in Berlin to help make the RDMO software sustainable in the long term. The RDMO Association is intended to further develop the software in a targeted and coordinated manner and to relieve the institutions of the burden of maintaining and servicing the software.
TU Dortmund University, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) and the University of Duisburg-Essen have been operating a joint RDMO instance since 2018. This allows resources to be pooled and synergies to be created. The establishment and launch of the joint instance was initially funded as part of a MERCUR project.
The three universities are founding members of the association. Johannes Frenzel from IT Services at Ruhr-Universität Bochum was elected to the board. The research-supporting service institutions of the University Alliance Ruhr are thus jointly contributing to a Germany-wide community and opening up further opportunities for cooperation for their RDMO instance.
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