Attribution of academic publications to their authors
- Bibliometrics

Attribution of academic publications to their authors
The Publication Guideline of TU Dortmund University [1] entered into force at the beginning of December 2021. It presents simple and very effective ways to attribute publications to their authors and their university clearly and correctly.
Correct attribution takes account of the great importance of scientific publications for a person’s academic reputation. So that your research can be attributed unequivocally to you, it helps if you always write your name in the same way. You can additionally ensure correct attribution by using an ORCID iD. This Open Researcher and Contributor ID accompanies you throughout your entire academic career. Even if many other authors share the same family name or you change your name or institution, your publications can always be clearly attributed to you through your ORCID iD.
With regard to your affiliation, please always state the university’s official name, i.e., Technische Universität Dortmund / TU Dortmund University. Depending on the conventions in your discipline or the guidelines issued by the publishing body, organizational subunits may also be listed, e.g., your department or institute. Should you be affiliated to more than one institution, please name both. In the case of publications funded by third parties, please do not forget to name these as well as the project or grant number.
Contact to Digital Publishing and Information Skills
- ikpu.ubtu-dortmundde / bibliometrie.ubtu-dortmundde
We are happy to answer any questions you might have about the Publication Guideline [2] and how to enhance the visibility of your publications!
[1] Publication Guideline of TU Dortmund University
[2] further information on the Publication Guideline and the Publication Service at TU Dortmund University