Subject Guide Theology
Top databases
- Scopus - Info *
- Web of Science Core Collection - Info *
- Education Source Ultimate - Info *
- Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary - Info *
- Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries - Info *
- Archive Bibliographia Judaica - Info *
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception - Info *
- Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: Old Testament - Info
- Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: New Testament - Info
- Religionspädagogik, Kirchliche Bildungsarbeit, Erziehungswissenschaft (RKE) - Info
- Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart Online - Info *
- Index Theologicus - Info
- Virtueller Katalog Theologie und Kirche - Info
- JSTOR - Info *
- BILDI : Bibelwissenschaftliche Literaturdokumentation Innsbruck / Institut für Bibelwissenschaften und Historische Theologie, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universität Innsbruck - Info
- Online-Bibeln - Info
- Sermon Online: Die Predigtendatenbank - Info
- THEOLDI : Theologische Literaturdokumentationen Innsbruck - Info
- prometheus : Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung und Lehre e.V. - Info *
* Accessible from a TU Dortmund IP address only (further information)
- Emil-Figge-Bibliothek
- New additions
- Information for Academic Staff
- Curricula and guidelines
- Department of Protestant Theology at TU Dortmund University
- Department of Catholic Theology at TU Dortmund University
- Open Access in Theology
- Portals and Link Collections
- Reformed online
A portal which deals with historical and current reformed protestantism. "Reformed online" is overseen by Stiftung Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Grosse Kirche Emden and publishes information about and for reformed protestantism worldwide
- Reformed online
- Religious instruction
- ReliNet
Institutes of religious pedagogy of the evangelical churches in Germany - Comenius-Institut. Protestant Centre for Research and Development of Education.
Curricula and media for religious instruction. E-books and materials can be downloaded free of charge - rpi-virtuell - Fachportal für Religionspädagogik
The portal on religious instruction of the EKD expands the first database on religious instruction, reliweb, by various programmes on online assisted cooperation in educational processes - Religio - information system on sects, new religious and ideological communities
Religio provides information on new religious and ideological communities in Germany, Europe and worldwide
- ReliNet
- Specialist information services for religious studies
- Specialised Information Service in Theology - Fachinformationsdienst Theologie
The Specialised Information Service in Theology, supervised at the University Library of Tübingen, covers all topics and subject areas of theology. - Specialised Information Service in Religious Studies - Fachinformationsdienst Religionswissenschaft
The Specialised Information Service in Religious Studies, also located at the University Library of Tübingen, is responsible for all sub-areas and research areas of scientific research in religious studies. - Specialised Information Service Jewish Studies
The Specialised Information Service Jewish Studies of the University Library Frankfurt a.M. offers scientific information in the fields of Jewish Studies and Israel Studies. - MenaLib - The Middle East Virtual Library
The Specialised Information Service Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies is supervised by the University of Halle. One of the focal points is the range of topics in Islamic Theology and Religious Studies.
- Specialised Information Service in Theology - Fachinformationsdienst Theologie
Book locations in the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek (EFB)
- Books
Shelf mark: Bt - Textbook collection
Shelf mark: L Bt - Not borrowable
- Encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies and handbooks are generally not available for loan, as are individual copies of much-used research and study literature.
- Journals
Shelf marks: ZB, ZBt (Issues of the current year)
Catalogs of the UB Dortmund
- Catalog plus
- Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB, with holdings of German libraries - holdings of Dortmund UB: NRW <290>)
- Electronic journals on theology, available in the TU Dortmund area
- Eldorado
full texts of dissertations, theses, lecture notes, etc. - NRW: HBZ-Verbundkatalog
Library catalog for North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate - Germany: Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)
for titles not available in Dortmund or NRW