Subject Guide Spatial Planning
Top Databases
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals - Info *
- Beck-online : die Datenbank - Info *
Access only from TU Dortmund network, additional registration and personal login at beck-online required. - GreenFILE - Info
- Juris - das Rechtsportall - Info *
- LinkedIn Learning - Info *
- Nautos - Info *
- RSWB®plus - Literaturhinweise zum Planen und Bauen International - Info *
- Scopus - Info *
- Sociology Source Ultimate - Info *
- TRID : the TRIS and ITRD Database - Info
- Web of Science Core Collection - Info *
- FGSV - Technical standards - Info**
- wiso Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Info *
* Accessible from a TU Dortmund IP address only (further information).
** Accessible from a specific workstation in the Departmental Library of Spatial Planning.
- Campus-Süd-Bibliothek
- New Additions
- Additional subject guides:
- Information for Academic Staff
- Department of Spatial Planning at the TU Dortmund
- Links to spatial planning
- Dortmund Links
- Stadtplanungsamt Dortmund (Urban Planning Office)
with Land use planning - Dortmunder Bekanntmachungen (Official publications)
- Haushaltsplan der Stadt Dortmund (Budget of the City of Dortmund)
- Dortmunder Statistik: Jahresberichte
Dortmund statistics: annual reports - Library of Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung, Dortmund (ILS), Dortmund
Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development
- Stadtplanungsamt Dortmund (Urban Planning Office)
- Planning Servers
- Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, TU Berlin)
Extensive, structured link collection of the ISR with references to specific disciplines of planning, current themes and subdomains of planning (click "Fachgebiete" / "Links") - Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL, Academy for Spatial Research and Planning)
Link collection of the ARL on inter-/national institutions on spatial planning and authorities dealing with regional planning (click "Links"; information only in German)
- Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, TU Berlin)
- Statistical resources
- Destatis - Statistisches Bundesamt
provides access amongst others to "Statistisches Jahrbuch der Bundesrepublik Deutschland"; see "Publikationen". See "Zahlen & Fakten / Regionales" for regional data (in German only). - Landesdatenbank NRW
"A database which contains official statistical data in great detail. Its content is continuously enlarged. The tables provided can be retrieved free of charge and be adjusted to the individual needs of users" - IT.NRW: Daten für das Land, die Regionen und Gemeinden
Data materials on economic and social conditions in North Rhine-Westphalia - Grundstücksmarktbericht NRW (Real Estate Market Report)
- Statistikportal
List of German Statistical Offices - Subject Guide Statistics
with further information on statistical online resources
- Destatis - Statistisches Bundesamt
- Special Subject Collection
- TIB Hannover (Webis)
- Dortmund Links
Book locations in the Campus-Süd-Bibliothek
- Books
Shelf classification - keyword index
Shelf marks: X, Xn, L Xa - L Xn - Diploma theses: shelf mark: 083/
Searchable in the catalog plus with the entry: SM:083* - Project reports of the Department of Spatial Planning
Shelf mark: 082/1
Catalogs at Dortmund University Library
- Catalog plus
- NRW: HBZ-Verbundkatalog
Library catalog for North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate - Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)
The KVK is a meta-search interface for library and book trade catalogs worldwide. - Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
contains the journal holdings of German libraries with location information (in the holdings indexes, Dortmund University Library has the Sigel 290). - Electronic journals on spatial planning
- Eldorado
Catalogue of Dortmund University electronic publications (mainly theses). Full texts available