Subject Guide Political Science
Top databases
- Scopus - Info *
- Web of Science Core Collection - Info *
- Political Science Complete - Info *
- FACTIVA - Info *
- Nexis Uni - Info *
- Sociology Source Ultimate - Info *
- Statista - Info *
- JSTOR - Info *
- OLC Politikwissenschaft und Friedensforschung - Online Contents - Info *
* Accessible from a TU Dortmund IP address only (further information)
- Emil-Figge-Bibliothek
- New additions
- Information for Academic Staff
- Curricula and guidelines
- Institute for Philosophy and Political Science at TU Dortmund University
- Open Access in Political Science
- Portals and Link collections
- POLLUX - Informationsdienst Politikwissenschaft
bibliographical database on political sciences - osmikon
Research Portal on East European, including East Central and South East Europe - Government Resources (Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.)
- Politische Bildung online
Political education online, large internet resource of the Bundeszentrale and the Landeszentralen für politische Bildung - International Relations and Security Network (ISN)
Freely accessible database of the ETH Zurich on international relations and security policy, with large full text library (research papers, government reports and journal articles). Free download
- POLLUX - Informationsdienst Politikwissenschaft
- Subject collection
- Fachinformationsdienst Politikwissenschaften (SUB Bremen / GESIS-Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln)
Locations in the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek (EFB)
- Books
Shelf marks: D
Holdings of the Library of the former Research Center for East Central Europe (Fome) - Textbook collection
Shelf mark: L Dg - Reference holdings (not borrowable)
- Encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies and handbooks are usually not available for loan, as well as single copies of much used research and study literature.
- Journals
Shelf marks: ZD (Issues of the current year)
Catalogs of the UB Dortmund
- Catalog plus
- Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB, with holdings of German libraries)
Holdings of Dortmund UB: NRW <290> - Electronic journals on political science
- Eldorado
Catalogue of Dortmund University electronic publications (mainly theses). Full texts available. - NRW: HBZ-Verbundkatalog
Library catalog for North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate - Germany: Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)
for titles not available in Dortmund or NRW
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