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Book locations in the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek (EFB)
  • Books
    Shelf mark: Yf
  • Textbook collection
    Shelf mark: L Ym
  • Journals
    Shelf mark: Z Yf (Issues of the current year in the magazine display)
  • Electronic journals: Music
  • Reference collections (not borrowable)
    • Encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, and handbooks are generally not available for loan, as are individual copies of much-used research and study literature.
  • Sheet music: The University Library has taken over some sheet music that is housed in the Emil Figge Library. These are solo works with piano accompaniment. Separated by instrument and in alphabetical order of composer, the volumes have been placed behind the call number MUX. Until they have been incorporated, the sheet music will be referenced only through these lists, but may be borrowed during Emil Figge Library service hours. Please contact the service desk before borrowing.
Catalogs of Dortmund University Library
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