Subject Guide Art
Top databases
- Scopus - Info *
- Web of Science Core Collection - Info *
- Education Source Ultimate - Info *
- JSTOR - Info *
- Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon - Internationale Künstlerdatenbank - Online - Info *
- Artists of the world - Info *
- prometheus : Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung und Lehre e.V. - Info *
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals - Info *
- Getty Research Portal - Info
- Art Discovery Group Catalogue - Info
- ARTbibliographies Modern / Archive - Info (national license)
- OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft - Online Contents - Info *
- BHA and RILA - Bibliography of the History of Art - Info
- ARTstor - Images for Education & Scholarship - Info *
* Accessible from a TU Dortmund IP address only (further information)
- Emil-Figge-Bibliothek
- New additions
- Information for Academic Staff
- Curricula and guidelines
- Department of Art and Material Culture at TU Dortmund University
- Open Access in Art History
- Portals and link collections
- Specialised Information Service Art - Photography - Design
This site offers text and image sources as well as scientific information on the history of art of the middle ages to the present - Portal Kunstgeschichte
Current information on research, teaching and studies in art history
- Specialised Information Service Art - Photography - Design
- Subject collections
Book locations in the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek (EFB)
- Books
Shelf mark: Y - Textbooks
Shelf mark: L Ya - Not borrowable
- Encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies and handbooks are generally not available for loan, as are individual copies of much-used research and study literature.
- Journals
Shelf mark: ZY (Issues of the current year)
Catalogs in Dortmund University Library
- Catalog plus
- NRW: HBZ-Verbundkatalog
Library catalog for North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate - Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog
The KVK is a meta-search interface for WWW library and book trade catalogs worldwide. It lists about 75 million books from library and book trade catalogs. - Electronic journals in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
- Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
The Zeitschriftendatenbank contains the journal holdings of German libraries with location information (in the holdings indexes, Dortmund University Library has the Sigel 290). - Eldorado
Catalog of Dortmund University electronic publications (mainly theses). Full texts available.