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Shelf Marks

Shelf mark Subject Location
A General, Book Studies and Library Science, Research and Science Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Ba Philosophy Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Be Psychology Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Bg Education Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Bk Rehabilitation Sciences Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Bt Religious Studies and Theology Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
C Linguistics and Literature studies Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Cp Journalism Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
D History and Politics Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Diss Theses Storage magazine
E Geography Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
EGM Collection of the German Association for Railway History (DGEG) / Books Storage magazine
EGZ Collection of the German Association for Railway History (DGEG) / Journals Storage magazine
F Economics Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Fn Social Sciences Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Fome A - Kb Collection of the FOME Research Centre for East-Central Europe Storage magazine
G Law Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Jb A - Jb V Historical Children's and Youth Books Collection Storage magazine
Jf A, Jf B Collection of the Women's Archive Storage magazine
Js GEX - Js SGX Collection of the former Library of the Research Centre for the Political and Social History of Education Storage magazine
JY "Julia Breithaupt-Archiv" Storage magazine
K Sciences (general) Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
L Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, Medicine Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
L Aa - L Vn, L Ya - Yn Textbook collection Emil-Figge-Bibliothek
L Xa - L Xn Textbook collection Campus-Süd-Bibliothek
M Mathematics Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
N Physics Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
P Chemistry Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Q Chemical Engineering Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
S Technology (general), Control engineering, Measurement engineering Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Sn Computer sciences, Data processing Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
T Mechanical engineering Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
V Electrical engineering Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
W Primary industries Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Wn Geoscience Sebrath-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
X Spatial planning Campus-Süd-Bibliothek
Xn Civil engineering Campus-Süd-Bibliothek
Y Art and Art Science Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Ya Architecture Campus-Süd-Bibliothek
Yb Cultural Anthropology of Textiles Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Yf - Yh Music Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
Yn Sport Science Emil-Figge-Bibliothek - older in the storage magazine
YQ Bequests of former professors of Dortmund University Please ask our staff at the service centrum.
YX C CD-ROMs Please ask our staff at the service centrum.
YX DVD DVDs Please ask our staff at the service centrum.
YX M Didactic Materials Please ask our staff at the service centrum.
YY, YZ Microfilms, Microfiches (not borrowable) Please ask our staff at the service centrum.
ZA - ZYZ Journals  
Rara: A - Yn "Rara": Rare and valuable books Please ask our staff at the service centrum.