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Interlibrary Loan: Questions and Answers

Who can order items via Interlibrary Loan?

  • Members of TU Dortmund, Universities Bochum and Duisburg-Essen (UA Ruhr) or external users
  • Students of other universities of NRW have to place their order with their own university.

Interlibrary Loan Fees

  • A fee of € 1,50 per interlibrary loan request will be charged. This processing fee is due even if the order cannot be completed. No processing fee is charged to TU employees.
  • If copies of articles/chapters ordered exceed 20 pages, additional costs may be charged. The exact amount is determined by the library fulfilling the order.
  • The costs for interlibrary loans will be charged to your library account, please pay promptly. From 30 € fees your account is automatically blocked.
  • Interlibrary loan fees are charged in accordance with the Leihverkehrsordnung (LVO), amended by the order about the Anwendung der Leihverkehrsordnung vom 19.02.2003 (LVO) und Regelung der Auslagenerstattung (Order 214 - of June 8, 2005) of the NRW Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology.

What is not available via interlibrary loan?

  • items which are in stock at Dortmund University Library - even if the items have been borrowed
  • electronic resources
  • diploma theses, bachelor or master theses (may usually not be borrowed)
  • valuable and rare items
  • loose-leaf editions and unbound periodicals

Loan period

The loan period is determined by the respective sending library, usually 20 opening days.


Media ordered by interlibrary loan have possibly been borrowed in the sending libraries in question. By request, we can reserve the medium for you. The delivery of the medium may than take longer than usual.

How long does an interlibrary loan order take?

  • Article: delivery is usually a matter of days
  • Books: delivery usually takes 1 to 6 weeks

Where can I look up what I ordered through interlibrary loan?

All interlibrary loans can be found in your interlibrary loan account in the Digital Library. Interlibrary loans for books can also be found in your library account.

Order faster?

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Questions about the interlibrary loan?

Please contact our staff via Email.