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Open Access

Dortmund University Library assists you in Open Access publishing and self-archiving. We offer information and advice on how to

  • publish in Open Access journals
  • self-archive previous publications
  • obtain funding through our publication fund

The publication fund is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the funding program "Open Access Publication Costs".

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What is Open Access?

""What is open access? Open access means that scientific literature should be publicly available, free of charge on the Internet so that those who are interested can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, refer to and, in any other conceivable legal way, use full texts without encountering any financial, legal or technical barriers other than those associated with Internet access itself."
(Source:, last viewed on 28 January 2015)

Gold Road

  • publishing in an Open Access journal
  • publication fees, often called "Article Processing Charges" or "Author Fee" may occur
  • an overview of peer reviewed Open access Journals can be found in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
  • Application for reimbursement: Form

Green Road

  • often called "self-archiving" means to republish a digital copy of a publication in a toll access-journal
  • generally done on either disciplinary or institutional repositories. Please contact us for further details on republishing conditions
  • You might use Eldorado, the repository of TU Dortmund University, for republishing
  • an overview for republishing conditions of journal articles can be found on Open policy finder (formerly Sherpa Romeo)
  • publishing professionally - quick and free of charge
  • world-wide visibility and maximum search-engine exposure
  • cataloging according to international cataloging standards
  • long-term digital preservation, accessibility and readability
  • publications become available more quickly
  • open Access accelerates scholarly communication, promotes networking

Application for Open Access Funds

Funding Requirements

  • Application for reimbursement: Form
  • The article is published in a 'genuine' Open Access medium listed in DOAJ: the contents of the journal will be publicly available directly upon publication.
  • Applicants must be members of TU Dortmund University and provide evidence that they are corresponding author and as such are liable for publication fees.
  • The journal is included in the list of eligible journals of your faculty.
  • If your publication comes from a third-party funded project, be sure to include the project number in the article's acknowledgements. The following applies to DFG-projects: The project number is the number listed in GEPRIS, a pure numerical sequence.


Please make sure that the invoice is billed to "TU Dortmund Kreditorenbuchhaltung, Zentraler Rechnungseingang - UB, 44221 Dortmund", and that the invoice also contains a reference to Dortmund University Library (Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund, Sebrathweg 9, 44149 Dortmund) including TU Dortmund's tax number (DE 811 258 273). It must also be stated on the invoice that the publishing fees are mandatory.

We support you with processing of all invoices in the context of publications, e.g. open access fees, editing fees, colour charges, printing costs and so on. Therefore, please send all invoices that arise in the context of publications, including the "PSP-Element" from which they are financed, to open-accesstu-dortmundde.

We will then forward the invoice to the “Zenraler Rechnungseingang”. We sign “rechnerisch richtig” and thereby assign the correct publication cost type directly.

Open Access at TU Dortmund University

TU Dortmund endorses the call for Open Access to scientific knowledge on the internet by the following provisions and recommendations:

TU Dortmund supports its scholars in publishing their research in Open Access media.

  • TU Dortmund asks its scholars to make all their published articles publicly available on an academic repository, provided it is in their right to do so. TU Dortmund encourages its scholars not to grant publishers exclusive rights of use restricting their right to self-archiving.
  • TU Dortmund institutional repository Eldorado offers scholars a maximum degree of visibility, authenticity, integrity and persistent citability for their Open Access publications.
  • TU Dortmund University Library supports and advises researchers on all legal and practical matters of Open Access publishing.
  • TU Dortmund has established an Open Access fund managed by TU Dortmund University Library to encourage publications in Open Access media employing discipline-specific means of quality assessment.

The aim of this resolution is to ensure a maximum degree of visibility for TU Dortmund scholars' research output. TU Dortmund acknowledges that publishing habits and thus requirements vary between disciplines, that scholars' autonomy in exercising their rights must not be restricted and that discipline-specific forms of quality assurance are essential also with regard to Open Access publishing.

  • Direct publication with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Reductions on Open Access publication fees
    The following publishers allow price reductions under certain conditions:
    • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
    • Cambridge University Press
    • Cogitatio
    • Elsevier as part of the DEAL contract
    • Frontiers
    • Hogrefe
    • IEEE
    • Institute of Physics (IOP)
    • PNAS
    • Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
    • SAGE
    • Springer Nature as part of the DEAL contract
    • Taylor and Francis
    • Wiley as part of the DEAL contract

      Please contact TU Dortmund University Library for further information: open-accesstu-dortmundde
  • Initiatives which TU Dortmund supports
    • SCOAP³ - a Open Access Initative in high-energy physics
      SCOAP³ stands for Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (Start 2014). SCOAP³ is a consortium of libraries and scientists aiming to make scientific publications in high-energy physics publicly available. The process of peer-review will be maintained for quality assessment. TU Dortmund financially supports SCOAP³.
    • SciPost
    • KOALA

Additional Information and Regulations


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Open Access author support: