UB Dortmund publishes Strategy for the Years 2022 to 2024

In order to optimally support you as students, teachers, and researchers at TU Dortmund University, the Library constantly reviews its offerings, evaluates statistics on them, and is in constant and structured exchange with the faculties. Our feedback management analyzes your feedback to us and gives us valuable advice on what we can do even better.
Every three years, however, the Library takes a particularly close look at its strategic compass for the following three years: What will continue to be needed, what should be expanded, what do we want to offer in a new way? What is needed less or not at all? Based on the updated strategy, an action plan is then decided on, with which changes and projects we want to achieve our goals.
The strategy of Dortmund University Library for 2022 to 2024 as a PDF to read:
Weit gekommen (und) auf dem richtigen Weg: Strategie der UB Dortmund für 2022 bis 2024 (in German)
The strategic planning for the years 2022 to 2024 was and is particularly challenging. The demolition of the current Central Library is imminent - we will do everything we can to continue to offer you optimal services. Built in 1976, the building now serves students primarily as the most popular learning space on campus, but it also houses one million print items. The pandemic years have triggered another surge in digitization, and learning and teaching have changed. The UB wants to continue to ensure that literature and media are available and findable as needed, and that it remains an attractive place to learn, increasingly providing digital tools and spaces.
We want to take you with us on this journey and provide information as transparently as possible. That is why we are publishing our strategic site assessment for the years 2022 to 2024, which can gladly be a test criterion for you as to whether your Library is performing for you what you really need and should expect. We very much look forward to your feedback!
As for questions about the new building and interim housing for the Central Library, we ask for your patience. This spring, we will start to inform you comprehensively and continuously about the new building, on which very many of our new strategic goals are focused.
Do you have questions and suggestions?
Please feel free to send us an email.