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New E-book Additions: Hanser E-books available until the End of October

  • E-Media
Laptop and notebook on a desk. © Pixabay
Many textbooks and other e-books from technology and engineering are now available as full texts at Dortmund University Library.

TU members can now access over 1,500 e-books with an engineering or technical focus via catalog plus.

For example, you can use the latest editions of the long-running textbooks "Decker Maschinenelemente", "Stroppe Physik" or "Python für Ingenieure" from the comfort of your own home.

Dortmund University Library makes the e-books from Hanser eLibrary available to you as part of an evidence based selection (EBS) until October 31, 2025.

An EBS allows you to use an extended range of electronic media for a limited period of time. The usage data from the EBS will then help the library to supplement its permanent e-book offer in line with demand.

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