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Books in the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek now with Uniform Shelf Marks

The books in the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek were moved and brought together into a unified system in just two and a half months, much faster than expected.


The campaign that began in mid-July has now been completed: almost all 200,000 books in the Emil-Figge-Bibliothek have been given new location numbers and shelf marks. The work was completed very quickly, taking only 2.5 months. A small part (shelf mark Bk) is currently still being processed.

There is now only one shelving system: according to specialist groups and, within these groups, according to consecutive numbers. The books will also be arranged in this way in the new library building.

By the way, the bound journal volumes standing in the Sebrath-Bibliothek since August 2023 will also gradually be given location numbers and shelfmark labels (ZA to ZYn). They are currently arranged alphabetically by journal title.

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