500 Euros for the Children's Hospice Service

Various activities of the Library at the TU Summer Festival raised donations totaling 500 euros, which will be handed over to the Ambulant Kinderhospizdienst Löwenzahn on Monday, July 10.
Many wanted to take a piece of the old Library once again. The cake with a printed photo from the early days of the Library was very well received by the visitors and after two hours everything was sold and eaten up to the last crumb. At 4 p.m., a historic wooden catalog card cabinet was auctioned off for 140 euros. Homemade UB cookies were also sold for donations.
Besides, the Library staff was able to answer many questions about the Library's move, demolition and new building at their booth. The auction of the historic catalog card cabinet alone raised 140 euros. Many thanks to all donors!
Questions about the move and the new building?
Info in the blog New Library Building