Fake News
What is it about?
Fake news, i.e. false reports and misinformation, is an important topic, be it in literature research or sharing exciting news in private. On this page, you'll find a selection of information and resources - from "What is Fake News, Exactly?" to "How Do I Recognize Deep Fakes?" Discover what Fake News is and how to recognize and evaluate it. The Duden provides the following short definition: "False news spread in the media and on the Internet, especially in social networks, with manipulative intent." (date: 17.8.2022, translation)
How to Spot Fake News
- How to spot fake news", IFLA page with the most important rules for recognizing fake news at a glance
- Evaluating Resources (Berkeley Library, Univ. of California)
- Klicksafe, information especially for young people and educators, including interactive media (in German)
- Qapito! Critically assess sources: The project aims to improve source evaluation skills of young people. More information about the project in an interview (in German)
- Mediendoktor: This project of the Chair of Scientific Journalism at TU Dortmund University observes and evaluates science journalistic reporting in the fields of health, nutrition and environment. (in German)
- Task Force "Conspiracy Theories" of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) (in German)
- State Media Authority NRW: Disinformation
- klimafakten.de deals specifically with disinformation about climate change and provides verified information (in German)
Tool Box
Check Facts
- CORRECTIV - Investigative Journalism in the Public Interest
- MIMIKAMA (in German)
- ARD fact finder (in German)
- fact check: #Faktenfuchs in English
- fact checks done by the dpa (in German)
- German-Austrian Digital Media Observatory (GADMO)
Check Images
- check photos for editing with Foto Forensics or
- with a reverse search via TinEye or Google Images
Check Videos
- find identical content with Youtube DataViewer or
- still images via reverse search
- deep fakes Summary in 4 minutes (status: 11.1.2020) (in German)
Check People: Access only in the TU Dortmund University Network
- Munzinger people: German-language biographical database on international public figures
- Kürschners German Scholars Calendar Online: brief information on scientists in the German-speaking world (in German)
- World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS Online): world's most comprehensive database on the life and work of international personalities from the 16th century to the present day
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