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South Campus
Geschossbau I, attic floor (4th floor), Room 519
Map of the site

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.


August-Schmidt-Str. 6
44227 Dortmund

Telephone: +49 (0)231 755-2288

Departmental Library of Spatial Planning GB 4 South Campus, illuminated (drone photo) © Uwe Grützner​/​TU Dortmund

Our Service

  • borrowing and returning items
  • use of books and journals in the library
  • collection and borrowing of ordered media from the "Reserved books" shelf
  • research PCs (stand-up PCs) for short searches 
  • internet PC (with registration for library users)
  • one color overhead scanner each for A3+ formats (maximum scanning area = 620x460mm, resolution up to 400 dpi), overhead scanner and feeder scanner for free scanning

Subjects and contact persons


Ursula Helmkamp, M.A., Subject librarian
Sebrathweg 9, Room 111
Phone: +49 231 755 4037


Subject Guide Spatial Planning


Specialised research for students with disabilities: learning in individual sessions how to do literature search for your assignments, essays, bachelor's/master's/doctoral theses etc., provided by our subject librarians.

We like to help you with your researches and look forward to seeing you in the Library!