Order books from the storage magazine today, pick them up tomorrow

Books and journal articles from the former Central Library can be ordered again from 2. November
Everything ordered via catalog plus from Monday to Friday by 11 a.m. will usually be available on the next working day* from 11 a.m. onwards on the collection shelf in the Emil-Figge-Library. We will send you an e-mail as soon as your order can be collected. You can take your ordered books from the shelf and borrow them yourself at the lending machines.
We scan ordered magazine articles for you and send them to you by e-mail.
And this is how it works in the background: Books and periodical volumes are selected by the responsible company on the basis of your orders in the storage magazine and then delivered to the library. After that, the library staff checks whether the delivery is correct an complete and prepares it for placement on the collection shelf.
* Monday to Friday: What you order on Fridays will be on the shelf for you from the following Monday.